100WC - 100 Word Challenge

One, day in the class of 5N, Ms.NotBarnes, introduced a new challenge, it was called the 100 Word Challenge. She showed us some examples and there was one on this strange picture of flying penguins eating pianos. Everyone was excited, and some people were already generating Ideas. Then Ms.NotBarnes, told us that we had to use these three words to make our writing piece: Fringe, Black, Egg, Washed and Flickering. Now I also had a really good idea. Then we got time to work on our story and I got started by writing my Title: 100 Word Challenge


  1. I feel kind of cheated but it's so obvious it's ok

  2. A very different way to use the prompt words. It doesn't make for a very interesting story. You might want to put a bit more effort into your writing next time.
    Mrs Horan
    Team 100WC
    Morrinsville, New Zealand


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